"God would rather die than let sin be a big issue between us and Him."
The nature of God is entirely different than most people think. He's about grace.
A lot of times, the way we talk about God's attitude toward us and sin, is more like, God is so holy that he can't stand to be in our sinful presence, and he feels really slimed by our messiness. So, be afraid and careful, and come to Jesus.
Actually, the story is completely different as evidenced by the Jesus Mission. Jesus demonstrated that God loves us in a shocking way. He came to us, wrapped our dirtiness around himself, and then gave us a big hug. If anyone looked at Jesus on the day he died, broken and humiliated, at the very least, they'd have concluded, THAT God is not stuck up or stand-offish. THAT God is not interested in lording it over anybody.